martes, 12 de julio de 2016

Summer Camp 2016 - Tuesday 12th July (II part)

Good afternoon,

Today our campers are visiting the United Kingdom. This morning they learnt the evolution of this language. Do you know that some words that are spoken in English come from Latin, French and other languages... here you are!

Our campers learnt a lot in the presentation, then they made their first handcraft (manualidad). They made a nice key-ring and now they're learning more in their English classes.

By the way today is Gonzalo's birthday and our instructors (Irina, Lili, Virginia, Joshua & Peter) gave him a nice surprise  

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hola a todos. ¡Qué envidia! Ojala pudiera pasar estos días allí aprendiendo, jugando, bañándome, practicando inglés, montando a caballo, haciendo amigos... Pero en fin, creo que no podrá ser. ¡¡¡Disfrutadlo muchísimo!!!
    A hug for everyone and a tickle attack and big kiss for our princess Carla
